Token Sale Parameters

Description for Token Sale Parameters.

  1. Select payment token: This parameter allows you to choose the type of token that participants will use to make their purchases during the token sale. You have the option to select either chain native coin or a custom token of your choice.

  2. Set Token Price: This parameter determines the price at which each token will be sold during the token sale. It specifies the conversion rate between the sale token and the payment token.

    • For example, if you set the price as 1 Sale Token = X Payment Token, it means that participants will need to pay X amount of the payment token to acquire one sale token. If you set price as 0.001 with payment as Ethereum, users will get 1000 Sale Token with 1 Eth as payment.

  3. Set Token Sale Raised Amount Caps: This parameter defines the limits for the total amount of funds that can be raised during the token sale.

    • Soft Cap in Sale Token: (Optional) The soft cap represents the minimum amount of funds that need to be raised in terms of the sale token. If the token sale fails to reach this threshold, it may be considered unsuccessful, and participants will be eligible for refunds.

      • If set to zero means no soft cap.

    • Hard Cap in Sale Token: The hard cap represents the maximum amount of funds that can be raised in terms of the sale token. Once this limit is reached, the token sale will be closed, and no further purchases will be accepted.

  4. Set Purchase Limits per investor in Sale Token: This parameter allows you to define the minimum and maximum purchase limits for individual investors participating in the token sale.

    • Minimum purchase (Sale Token): This specifies the minimum number of sale tokens that an investor must purchase during the token sale.

    • Maximum purchase (Sale Token): This specifies the maximum number of sale tokens that an investor can purchase during the token sale.

  5. Set Sale Timings: This parameter sets the start time and duration for the token sale.

    • Sale Start Time: The specific date and time at which the token sale will begin and participants can start purchasing sale tokens.

    • Sale Duration in days: The duration, in days, for which the token sale will remain open. After this period, the sale will be closed, and participants will no longer be able to make purchases.

  6. Set Sale Vesting/Cliff/Release Schedule: This parameter allows you to establish a vesting schedule for the sale tokens, specifying when and how they will be released to participants.

    • Sale Cliff Months for Release: This determines the duration, in months, after which the vesting schedule will start. Until this cliff period elapses, participants may not receive any released tokens.

    • Total Monthly Release Instalments: This parameter defines the number of monthly instalments in which the sale tokens will be released to participants after the cliff period.

    • For example, If user bought 1000 tokens in a sale with cliff of 6 months and monthly release instalments as 10. In this case after the sale ends, he will receive his first instalment of 1000/10 = 100 tokens after 6 months and same for the next 9 months.

  7. Set Token Sale Owner: This parameter designates the address or entity that will have ownership and control over the token sale. The owner typically manages the sale process, distribution of tokens, and other related activities.

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